Thursday, 13 April 2017

Functions In SQL Server*

We cover user defined function in this session

User Defined Function
--------*1 Scalar-Valued Function
-----------**2 Inline Table Valued Function
-----------------***3 Multi-Line Valued Function

Function Calling Syntax
--------Select OwnerName.FunctionName()-----1st type
--------Select DatabaseName.OwnerName.FunctionName()-----2nd type

Here OwnerName is Database Owner

Create Table For Perform Function On it.
create table tblEmployee1
Id int,
Name nvarchar(50),
Salary int 

Insert Value in Table tblEmployee1

insert into tblEmployee1 values (1,'John',4000)
insert into tblEmployee1 values (2,'Sara',4500)
insert into tblEmployee1 values (3,'Clark',3000)
insert into tblEmployee1 values (4,'Hyden',5000)
insert into tblEmployee1 values (5,'Ponting',8000)

-----*1 Scalar-Valued Function------------
Scalar-Valued Function Return Single Column Value only or return Single Value

Creating Scalar function for GetFullname of employee
Create function FnScalar_GetEmployeeName
@firstName varchar(50)
returns varchar(50)
return  (select @firstName)

Calling Scaler Function Function
select dbo.FnScalar_GetEmployeeName(Name) from tblEmployee1


----**2 Inline Valued Function-------
User Define inline Valued Function Return Table Variable As a result of action

Create Inline valued Function
create function FnInline_GetEmployeeName()
RETURN (SELECT * FROM tblEmployee1)

Calling Inline Function

SELECT * FROM FnInline_GetEmployeeName()


---***3 MultiLine Valued Function------

Create MultiLine Valued Function

Create Function For Id, orginalName, And Salary of tblEmpoyee1
Create Function FnMultiline_GetEmoloyeeDetail()
returns @Employee Table
Id int,
Name varchar(50),
Salary int
    Insert into @Employee Select e.Id,e.Name,e.Salary from tblEmployee1 e;
-----Now Update Salary of Clark
Update @Employee set Salary = 5000 Where Id =1;
-----It Will Update @Employee Table Runtime only Orginal Database Table

Calling  MultiLine Valued Function

Select * from FnMultiline_GetEmoloyeeDetail()


Different Between Store Procedure and Function
1 Function Used with Select and Where clause, but StoreProdcedure  Not
        Select dbo.FnScalar_GetEmployeeName(Name) as Employee Name From tblEmployee1

2 Try-Catch blog Is not in function, but in Store Procedure have

3 Function only input Parameter but in StoreProcedure both input/output parameter

4 Function Can not call StoreProdcedure, but in StoreProdcedure we call Function

5 Function Must Return Value, but StoreProdcedure is optional

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